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Visible Brain

4.2 ( 6512 ratings )
Desenvolvedor: Ahmed Gilani


This app provides the complete dataset of the head and neck from The Visible Human Project (c) in an interactive format. Users can browse through transverse and coronal sections of real life human brains sectioned and photographed at sub-millimeter resolution. Selected brain sections are labelled with anatomical information. High resolution microscopic images of select brain regions are provided in Whole Slide format.

What’s New
-Access complete dataset of the head and neck part of The Visible Human Project (c)
-Learn Neuroanatomy using real life transverse and coronal images of the brain
-Observe the brain in situ unaffected by artifacts caused by removal from the cranial cavity.
-Gross and microscopic correlation using high resolution 400 x microscopic sections of select brain regions.

Over 1000 brain sections each of transverse or coronally sectioned sections through the brain can be browsed and used offline, with the option to download higher resolution images.
Over 15 high resolution, whole slide microscopic images of various brain regions imaged at 400 x magnification.

The Visible Human Project, conducted by the United States National Librtary of Medicine, provided the first opportunity to view internal anatomy of the human body with the organs still in place (in situ), undisturbed by removal artifact. Two human cadavers, a male and a female were frozen and sliced at 0.3 - 1 mm intervals. After removing each slice, an image of the entire body was taken, yielding consecutive sections through the entire body (1).

This app provides the head and neck data from the project under a special license agreement. The transversely sectioned brain, the first in a series of brains used in the project, is that of a middle aged man, one Joseph Paul Jernigan, of Waco, Texas, who was executed after being sentenced to charges of murder and burglary. Identities for the rest of the cadavers were not disclosed. All subjects had consented for scientific use of their bodies after their death.

This data provides an unprecedented opportunity to view a real life representation of internal organs. As such, these images are excellent companions to understanding both gross anatomical descriptions and radiological images taken through Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

The microscopic images are taken from various post mortem human brains from a hospital collection. Any identifying information has been removed for patient confidentiality. Formaldehyde fixed tissue was paraffin embedded and cut at 5 micrometer thickness. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and imaged at high resolution at 400 times magnification using Leica SCN400. Digital zoom technology provide an experience akin to conventional microscopy.

Identification and labeling of brain sections was done using standard neuroanatomy texts (2,3). Future versions of this app will incorporate greater information and more microscopic images.


1) Anon (n.d.) The National Library of Medicines Visible Human Project. nlmnihgov Available at: [Accessed October 12, 2014].

2) Duvernoy HM, Bourgouin P (1999) The Human Brain: Surface, Three-dimensional Sectional Anatomywith MRI, and Vascularization. Springer.

3) Martin J (2012) Neuroanatomy Text and Atlas, Fourth Edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Seller: Ahmed Gilani, MD, PhD
Consultant: Imran Farid, PhD
Developers: Hamza Arshad and Umair Akhtar